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Dear Parishioners of St. Demetrios,
It is our pleasure to announce that we are once again open for indoor worship services throughout the week and for Sunday Divine Liturgy with Orthros at 9:00AM and Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM.
Everyone who would like to attend indoor services is asked to please make a reservation ahead of time by either calling the church office or signing up online by clicking here.
Please wear a mask and keep a social distance from persons not from your immediate household. Anyone who is ill is kindly requested to stay home. There will be no coffee hour, but the restrooms will be open. Click here to familiarize yourself with all the additional guidelines and please know that we will have ushers to assist and help answer any questions.
Finally, we understand that the majority of our parishioners will choose to remain at home for the time being so please be assured that all our services will continue to be live-streamed online.
Thank you all for your continued prayers and support and we pray that you and your loved ones remain healthy and well.
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